Ranked camo world of warships
Ranked camo world of warships

Say best player is 1000 and worst player 0. Originally posted by shannonars:Is there a way to rank players? I cannot control, what I cannot control, but I feel ya. You can try to teach kindly, but that does not mean they will listen. I will have fun and just finished where I finish. It is what it is, I would say it would even out in the end, but I look at it. Clan Battles maybe at this their would have been more fun because you can communicate and play with people you know even if you minimize the division set up. On one hand, they sell ships, and people get resources, on the other makes getting to the top depending on others harder. Ranked players of experience just lose patience and those matches become shout fests, so their novice and intermediate experience sours. Random and Ranked team play is about position, playing to THAT specific ships strength, knowing when to push and not waste your ship in bad moves. DD rushing to a cap, sitting in smoke, CAs out of position, BB's cornering themselves. Part of the issue of bad play is novice and intermediate players get used to Co-op charging thinking that co-op tactics work in Random/Ranked play. They are a lot of inexperienced players grabbing premiums at the tier, but with no experience playing them. It may have been a wise decision to have smaller team set ups at T7.

Ranked camo world of warships